Fighter-Bomber Task Order Awarded

P E Systems was awarded a 5-year, $42M task order under GSA’s OASIS contract to support the Fighter-Bomber Directorate at Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) with additional support at both Tinker and Hill Air Force Bases Utah. The Fighter-Bomber Directorate is responsible for research, development, production, test, acquisition, delivery, sustainment and modernization of the Fighters and Bombers (F/B) portfolio of the US while supporting coalition partners The F/B portfolio includes: B-52 Stratofortress; B-1 Lancer; A-10 Thunderbolt; Light Air Support Program; and, Development, Integration and Transition Division. P E Systems personnel broad range of professional acquisition, research, development, engineering, scientific, financial and administrative capabilities to execute effective and responsive integrated program management of aircraft research, development, production, and lifecycle acquisition and sustainment activities in support of the F/B portfolio. Personnel will provide directorate-level cross-cutting functional support and integration across all disciplines for a portfolio level outlook and assist total portfolio management, provide recommendations on ways to enhance the effectiveness of all directorate/division activities, surge support, and allow workflow flexibility. The cross-cutting functional support across the portfolio objective is to standardize common, recurring activities, and gain efficiencies throughout the Directorate.